
Saturday, July 28, 2012

How to make a Fake Error message on windows


1.   1
 Open Notepad.
Open Notepad. Press the WIN-R keys (Windows key + R), and type: notepad.exe
2.   2
 Copy and Paste the following code: x=msgbox("Your Message Here", 4+16, "Your Title Here") another code for a yes or no is:onclick=msgbox ("msg here",20,"title").
Copy and Paste the following code: x=msgbox("Your Message Here", 4+16, "Your Title Here") another code for a yes or no is:onclick=msgbox ("msg here",20,"title")
3.   3
 Change the following: 'Your Message Here' and 'Your Title Here' to messages of your choice; and change '4+16' to a different combination as shown in the Tips section (this will change the error message type and buttons).
Change the following: 'Your Message Here' and 'Your Title Here' to messages of your choice; and change '4+16' to a different combination as shown in the Tips section (this will change the error message type and buttons).
4.   4
 Go to 'File' and click 'Save': Enter a title for your error message and add .
Go to 'File' and click 'Save': Enter a title for your error message and add.vbs at the end of it.
5.   5
 Open the VBS file: The fake error message will pop up!.
Open the VBS file: The fake error message will pop up!
·         To change the error message type (the icon and sound) and the buttons, replace the above with the following (e.g., 0+32):
1.    Buttons (First number):
§  0 - OK button only
§  1 - OK and Cancel
§  2 - Abort, Retry and Ignore
§  3 - Yes, No and Cancel
§  4 - Yes and No
§  5 - Retry and Cancel
2.    Error type (Second number):
§  16 - Critical message icon/sound
§  32 - Warning icon/sound
§  48 - Warning message/sound
§  64 - Info message/sound
·         To make another window appear after the first is closed, copy the same line of code below the first.
·         You could also hide the original VBS file in another folder and create a shortcut on the desktop or start menu and change the icon and name so it resembles a frequently used program.
1.    To do this, right click on the VBS file and click "Create shortcut". Then move the original file to another location, right click on the shortcut and select "Properties". Finally, choose the tab "Shortcut" and browse to the location of the program which you intend to imitate and select it. After renaming the shortcut, when the user opens the 'program' it will show your error message!
·         To make this error message open every time the account is logged into, copy it to the Startup folder located in "All Programs" in Windows 7/Vista or "Programs" in Windows XP and below.

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